Welcome to my Health Blog.

golden heart
Listen to your heart, it will tell you what you need to do to find health, happiness and inner peace.

Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, to maintain harmony and balance. But the way we live today interrupts these natural self-regulatory mechanisms. Many of us do not get enough sleep, rest or exercise. We eat foods that come in boxes or cans and wonder why we feel lethargic, anxious or disturbed. It is not natural to feel these ways but our bodies are coping with a range of toxins received in our food, our water and our air. We are constantly exposed to man-made chemicals and pollution from our lifestyles and homes. It does not have to be this way.

You can use natural cleaning products, grow your own food or buy it organically or from farmer’s markets. There’s much you can do – simply, easily to improve your health – drinking more water, eating more fruit and vegetables, less meat and complex packaged foods. It is up to each of us to honour the temple we have been given, our bodies, and the larger temple of Earth that we live upon. There are many ways to do this. In this section of my blog/website we will explore these issues. I hope you find it inspiring and helpful in assisting you with your health and wellbeing and that of your family and larger family’s vitality. We are all connected, all one big family here on Earth. No separateness, just oneness. What we do to ourselves, we do to all. When each of us takes action to heal and find peace, we help do this for the whole. Every step taken helps. It is worth the effort.

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