What is the purpose of life?

waterfallsLife on Earth is an opportunity for souls to grow and evolve past their current limitations into wholeness with God and the Universe. Each soul starts out with a clean slate and life after life they experience different events to learn from. This helps them evolve into God-likeness, to remember their divine qualities.

We are all born of God and have the knowledge and answers within us. We lose or forget these when we incarnate on Earth and life teaches us this information as we go along. We get to experience and feel it. When in spirit we only know it. There is a powerful difference. One so tangible that souls choose to incarnate to feel it, to know the depths of sadness, grief, despondency and the ecstasy of joy, happiness and bliss.

Earth is the only place that souls can feel these opposites, live in duality. So we keep coming back life after life to learn these opposites and become whole in our knowledge of life’s experiences.

There is no bad luck or karma as such. You agree on what you are to experience and learn and from whom before you incarnate. You make agreements with other souls to harm or help you along the way. It is the same thing really. Even someone who betrays you is really helping you. How could you learn to forgive if there was nothing done to you that was hard to let go of. How could you learn to be kind and caring unless you knew what it felt like to be treated poorly and decided not to do that to others. All of life’s experiences are designed to help you evolve and grow and they do.

Support is always available to help you through the challenging moments. You just have to ask for help and it is there. God, Jesus, the angels and archangels are all by your side waiting to support you when you ask. When times are tough ask for their assistance, ask for clarity as to what you are going through and what you are meant to learn from it. Ask them to take the burden and lighten your load. They can help shift heavy emotions out of your body and field if you are willing to feel them and let them go. Just breathe through such emotions – whether it is fear, grief, anger, shame. Breathe through it. Just witness the emotion and let it flow through you to completion. When you allow emotion to flow it can be released fully. If you hold it in or resist feeling it, it stays stuck inside you.

If you don’t learn a lesson with one person you may create a similar situation with another person. This is not a mistake. Don’t beat yourself up about it. It just shows that the lesson you are mastering is a hard one and you need to learn different aspects of it until you get it. purpose be happyThere truly is celebrations in Heaven as we master our challenges and overcome our pasts, as we open our hearts to love, God, peace and happiness. For these are our natural state which we can abide in most of the time once we have learned not to judge self or others, once we have forgiven self and others and we don’t take the actions of others personally.

Life becomes an entertaining journey of witnessing the evolution occurring within each person and society in general. You are all moving forward rapidly. It is wonderful to see. Trust in the process. Life will bring you the events and experiences that you need for your evolution. You don’t have to make it happen. It is all pre-set and you can’t miss it or mess it up. It all comes to you in divine timing to assist you to awaken to the light and see the glory of life, love, evolution and God. It is all helping you evolve. Your darkest moments lead to the greatest light. They are transformational.

When you are on your knees in pain from loss of a loved one or other tragedy, it is then that you are on the precipice of change. It is then that your ego cracks open to see the possibility of God, to call out for help. You accept that you can’t do it on your own and you call out to God. God answers, gives you strength and courage to get through. Your angels and guides support you as you learn to stand despite your circumstances, as you learn to look within and find your strength.

It is miraculous how the dark turns to light as soon as you flick the switch and light up the room. Most of you just don’t know how to process your emotions quickly and effectively. You have learned to fear them, swallow them, hide them for fear of others teasing you, thinking less of you or rejecting you. When the truth is all humans go through strong emotions and losses throughout life. It may occur at different times, but all experience the gamut of experiences there is to experience. Everyone will go through loss, grief, betrayal, shame and guilt. So why not support each other, accept it as part of life. There is no need to hide it. Heal it instead! Break free of it and enjoy life. You are learning that all emotions and experiences are okay. They are part of the ebb and flow of life on Earth.

You chose to come to Earth to feel and learn what it is like to be in duality. No one forced you to come or sent you bad things. You chose prior to incarnating what you would do and with whom. You chose what experiences you wanted to learn the various lessons you wished to master.

Many of you chose multiple life themes to learn as you were eager to evolve quickly. Sometimes it can feel like too much. Rest assured you will only be given what you can handle. Support is always there you just have to ask. Reach out to others, find the right book, movie or song that gives you insight or relax and sleep. Sleep allows you to go home and access divine guidance while your body is resting. It really is extremely important that you get a good nights sleep. Don’t stay up late wasting time with TV or other distractions.

purpose find giftLife is about the journey of awakening, of coming to know your true self, of clearing out your baggage and emotions so that you can be your authentic self at all times. This frees you to be of service in the unique way that you can because of your unique gifts. Each of us has a purpose to fulfill and it waits underneath our personality challenges until we are ready to step forth and integrate it.

It truly is a wonderful journey. Don’t be stuck in pain. Reach past it to the light. We are here to help. Blessed BE. Amen.

By Jodi-Anne (18 June 2015)
Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and Healing from child abuse pages of this website.

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