How to be free of the past and enjoy life

Most people are running away from painful past events in their life, trying to push them away, out of awareness, and focusing on their now – or at least trying to do so. But anything pushed away stays put, begging to be seen, felt and released. You cannot avoid doing so for long, it will catch up with you one way or another.

Life is not meant to be led on hyperdrive – slow down. Slow down and feel what needs to be felt. Slow down and honour your body – notice the stress and its impacts on you. Choose to honour yourself and your needs.

Life can be beautiful, magical, peaceful, but most people are pushing themselves too hard, focused on careers, money, getting things, material objects that can be ripped away in an instant.

Natural disasters occur to cleanse the planet of built up negative energy. The Earth too is stressed due to the way we live and how we treat her. We deplete her mineral reserves and exhaust her supplies, same as we do with our own bodies. Of course, they then can’t function fully, healthily, there are consequences to these actions, and we are seeing them all over the world wtih climate change disasters. This cannot be stopped. The damage is done, but we can reduce it now, so it doesn’t keep accumulating, keep getting worse.

Be the love you want to see in the world.

How can you help? By living more simply, by focusing on your own health, by wanting and doing less. Yes it all helps, but you do not have to sacrifice or go without. It is not about scarcity. It is about abundance.

An abundance of opportunities to live more simply, to be connected with your heart and following its desires – these will be different to those of the mind. The heart often wants rest, play, fun, it likes to be creative, to be artistic, to rest in nature, to be nourished from slow, peaceful activities. It likes to have presence and connection, to slow down and actually be with someone – to penetrate the surface and know someone’s deepest, inner most self, to connect heart to heart and share how you are really feeling and what you are longing for – to have true intimacy – in to me u c.

Life is not meant to be a race course navigated at high speed. It is more like a walk in the park. Take time to enjoy your life, to live it and foster true connection with those you love most. Share how you are feeling, what you are working on, what you are cleaning out of your body through acknowledging it, feeling it and letting it go.

When you take the time to be present to your feelings the pain can shift, you can be set free from what has been kept inside – liberated, so that it no longer burdens you or weighs you down. It is worth doing, so your future can be more of what you desire and less repetition of the past – repeating until you do feel it and release it.

Honour yourself and take time to heal. Honour your planet and live more simply. Honour your children and feel close to them, tell them they are loved, they are enough and they are deserving of a happy life.

Role model self care, honesty and being happy – making the most of any situation. Show them how to be resilient and cope with life’s hiccups, the challenges that come along the way.

When you help them gain this emotional intelligence you are setting them up for an easier navigation through life. You are helping them to be a good athlete, able to jump the hurdles, run the race and succeed over the high jump – the bar can be raised and they won’t be scared, because they will know how to navigate through the pitfalls and darkness that can come at times.

Enjoy life now. Don’t wait for some better time in the future – it won’t come, that idyllic day when ‘poof’ it is all magically okay. You have to make it happen, by actively cleansing out any emotional density or trauma locked within your body.

You can use Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) to help you to release the stress, tension and trauma that is in your body. TRE shakes these energies out of your body, helping your nervous system to calm. Most of the time it is gentle, relaxing and you don’t even know what it is that is being released. You don’t see or feel the story associated wtih it. The energy just leaves, shakes out.

The shaking uses up the cortisol and adrenaline released in moments of fight or flight in the past, where you were scared and your body reacted to protect you. If you did fight or run away you use up those chemicals but if you didn’t or couldn’t then they stay in the body leading to chronic tension patternsw which leads to sore muscles, stiffness, pain, less flexibility and mobility.

Using TRE helps your body to come out of freeze, out of fight or flight, so it can move again, so we regain our flexibility and ability to feel joy. TRE unlocks the prison that we have been locked in within when we’ve experienced trauma in the past.

By clearing out these energies and blocks you become free to see the beauty all around you, to be peaceful and content inside. This makes it easier to handle whatever life throws at you. It is worth the time and effort to heal, so that you can enjoy the rest of your life more.

It is not up to you, life will keep bringing you events, to show you the pain inside – it is attempting to get you to face it. Once you have done that you won’t attract those types of experiences any more – you don’t need to, it is gone, done, healed, you don’t match it any more vibrationally.

Life is not meant to be a race, slow down, enjoy it more. Prioritise time with those you love, those who make your heart sing, those who you feel most comfortable with and can connect deeply with, truly seeing and honouring each other. Build these deep connections and you will have strong roots, a strong foundation to help you weather whatever storms do come your way. Connect, connect, connect to your heart – that is the key to living life joyously and peacefully. So be it. Amen.

By Jodi-Anne M Smith (14 August 2017).
Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and HEALING FROM CHILD ABUSE pages of this website.

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