Here you will find links to free resources on a range of topics:
- Stress and illness
- Healing from painful beginnings and child abuse
- Healing depression
- Healing fear and anxiety
- Healing addictions
- Spirituality and conscious evolution
- Life Insights – channelled messages of love and support in answer to questions about life
- Healing glimpses – short insights into different aspects of the healing journey (examples shown in the slideshow on this page)
- Jodi-Anne’s sustainability publications – prior to focusing on spirituality and healing Jodi-Anne worked in various roles to move society towards a more sustainable way of being. Her publications from those roles are available here.
- Tension and Trauma Release Exercises Online Course (TRE) – a free, online, self-study course for learning TRE by Richmond Heath.
Here you will find links to resources you can purchase:
- Jodi-Anne’s books – ‘The healing journey demystified: achieving sustainability one heart at a time’ and ‘Advice from a Higher Source: channelled messages of love and support through life’s challenging moments’. Each book is available in paperback or e-book format.