My 10 life principles.

These 10 life principles represent my intentions. I am not yet able to live according to them fully all the time, but I continue to work towards it, forgiving myself when I slip and realigning as required.

1.            I honour everyone and everything (including myself) – I harm nothing

I honour everyone and everything that I encounter in life. Acknowledging that everyone and everything is a part of God and is expressing its self in the most loving way that it knows how at this point in time. I know that a smile given can brighten any dark day and that energy given freely can inspire people to heal the deepest pain.

2.            I TRUST – I reject nothing

I TRUST the Universe, God / Goddess. I know that everything happens for a reason. Any challenges I face are here to help me learn and grow. I am grateful for all I experience. I know that I may not understand why something is happening now, but I know that in the future the reason will become clear as the connections and unfolding occurs in my life. I know I am safe and guided and that the Universe is a loving place. I surrender and trust.

3.            I stay open to see what unfolds – I judge nothing

I accept that anything that I judge as good or bad in another is a reflection of that issue inside me. I accept that anyone hurting another is expressing their internal pain and their need for love. I send them love and don’t react or take it personally. All who wound are wounded inside. I forgive all who I have reacted to in the past including my family and myself. I take responsibility for healing my wounds and not projecting them onto others. When I do unconsciously project, I observe, notice and learn from it, so that I don’t do that particular form of projection again.

4.            I feel the fear and do it anyway – I fear nothing

I know that anything that scares me is showing me an opportunity for growth. I take a deep breath and feel the feelings and hear the thoughts associated with the fear. I do whatever I need to do to calm myself down, heal the associated issues and then face the fear. I release the associated emotions. I know that ultimately nothing can hurt me as I am God expressed, as is everything else surrounding me. We are all one. I am not my body or my mind or my possessions – those are just things I’ve used to falsely define who I am.

5.            I let life unfold, listen, allow – I fight nothing

I let life unfold, following my inner guidance and synchronicities rather than trying to control or force things to happen. I trust that if something is difficult to do then I’m not meant to walk through that door right now. I trust that whatever flows and occurs easily is right on path and I should walk through those doors with an open heart and mind. I let God lead my life and let go of all desires. When something challenges me I look to the past – what event or person is it reminding me of? What is it triggering in me? Why? What do I need to do to heal that? Usually it’s just acknowledging it, release the associated emotions, let go of that event, defense mechanism, pattern and forgive. Having done that, what does the current situation now mean to me? Usually the challenge is gone and gratitude is there for the healing and learning the current situation has enabled me to do.

6.            I play – I do not get serious over anything

I take the time to enjoy life and the blessings all around me. I see the beauty in nature and in people. I surround myself with colour and light-filled friends who have the innocence of children and can play together in innocent and loving ways. I listen to and honour my inner child’s needs. I BE a loving parent to her. I thank her for surviving and enabling me to grow into who I am. She is amazing!

If I find myself caught in seriousness, I stop, observe what got me caught, breathe, relax my body, adjust my posture and laugh at the situation. I remind myself that ultimately it doesn’t matter. Doing this reduces the likelihood that I’ll get caught up by the same event in future as I’ll notice when it starts to happen earlier and earlier until it doesn’t catch me at all.

7.            I share, help, support – I don’t hide

I have the courage to share my story and experiences to help others heal. I honour them in their journey and provide them with tools to help them understand why they have developed the defense mechanisms and personality that they’ve used to survive their life. I provide tools to help them understand and accept themselves and their past – to see the purpose of it and get a glimpse at their unique purpose this lifetime. I trust that this will assist them to find greater self-love, which enables them to love others and the environment. This is my purpose this time on Earth – to enable people to heal, to love themselves, others and the environment – to FEEL, to live from their hearts. It is all connected – we need individual sustainability, as well as social and ecological sustainability.

I recognise when it is not appropriate to share my story and do not offer assistance unless it is requested. I may send energy and emotional support through empathetic facial expressions and body language, but I will not preach or push – no-one needs to be pushed (which is a form of judgment saying you should heal quicker). Most people are already pushing themselves.

I acknowledge that my impatience in the past and my desire to push others to heal was just my projection about wanting to be fully healed myself and feeling I needed to prove I was okay by showing I could help others change. I now accept that whether people change or do not change does not affect my self-worth. It is their choice and I do not control it. I trust that each person’s healing journey is unique and that God controls the timing and unfolding of it. Not me. I trust and let go.

8.            I speak my truth – I don’t lie

I speak my truth in all situations. I trust that speaking my truth with respect and honouring will enable the other person the best opportunity to understand me and respond appropriately. I accept that how the other person reacts is not my responsibility and is not within my control. I accept that even if someone does react with pain that it is a perfect response, for them at this time, and that whatever needs to unfold in the future will do so. I let go of the situation and trust the Universe. Ultimately there is no good or bad. There just is what is. I accept reality.

9.            I am grateful – I take nothing for granted

I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. I am grateful for my health, my home, my family, my friends, for nature that surrounds me, for the food I eat, for my work, for all that I encounter in this life and that helps me to heal and evolve. I am grateful for that which caused me pain and that which caused me joy. It all has helped me to become me. I am grateful for the future joys that I trust will come – a loving husband, children I love and nurture, and work that enables me to be of greatest service to the world. If those things don’t come I will do my best to accept it and trust that what does come is what is meant to be.

10.          I am humble – Ultimately I know nothing

I accept that what I think I know is only a fraction of what there really is to know about how the Universe works and that what I think I know may not be correct. It is only my interpretation of things, my truth. Others will have their own truth. I accept that my mind is actually one of my biggest gifts and challenges – I love to learn which is great – but I have used study as a way to hide from being myself and feeling my feelings. I have used qualifications and work as a way to try and prove to myself and others that I am okay. I know now that I don’t need to do that. I know now that I am okay without all those mind-related things. I am a unique expression of the I AM and I am perfect exactly as I am. I do not need to learn, change, heal or do anything else to be okay. I am okay. We are all okay. We are all perfect just the way we are. I honour the I AM-ness in all of us.

At the same time I don’t discredit the knowledge and skills I’ve developed throughout my life and my work career. I just hold them in perspective, knowing that they are not as important as my inner wisdom and knowing. I accept that my purpose may involve using the knowledge and skills that I’ve developed, which is ultimately the deep reason why I developed them in the first place. I don’t hide and stay small using humility as a way of avoiding taking the risk of shining my light. I know I am here to be of great service. I trust that process unfolds as it is meant to.

I have the courage to do what needs to be done. I trust that my pure desire to be of selfless service will show through. I let go of expecting abuse when I stand up – I know this is residue from my past and it will only clear by my continuing to stand up and finding that I’m okay, that no-one knocks me down, and that even if they try, I survive and I am okay. I am an Adult now. I accept and honour that. I also trust that if I am to die today or tomorrow that is okay, that I will have done whatever I needed to do this lifetime and that whoever assists me to die is not harming me but reuniting me with the divine and that is a gift whenever and however it occurs.

What are your 10 life principles? This is a great exercise to do to get clear on your values.